Stop look no further
for all your coating solutions

The services rendered by Southfield Paints to it's customers are distinguished from it's peers by it's focus to address the specific needs of the customers.

Apply and supply model

Those who want the paint and application to come under one umbrella and deliver finished articles to the customers, can rely on this trusted model of Southfield. Here, Southfield supplies the required paint to the site and manages the application with it's approved painting experts following correct application procedures under regular supervision and inspection by it's Technical service personnel. The process ensures the paints perform to their full potential along with expected economy in usage.

Small batch capability

This unique capability enables Southfield to supply small quantities of paints for any special application complimentary to it's bulk supplies to it's customers. This is made possible by building this capability consciously in the plant and developing the teams mindset and customer focus.

Rapid development to support urgent business needs of customers

Southfield's R&D team is fully geared to take up urgent developments on request from it's customers and fast track it through the process to even provide a small pilot batch if required.

Customer feedback

Southfield actively pursues the process of collecting customer feedback on the services which is then used to improve the service levels further, with the belief that even the best can be bettered.